Wow- where do I start with this post! Lindsey and Luke what a day and what a great lesson. As many of you know I am actively involved in the Minnesota Professional Photographers Association ( and one of the things we always talk about is lending a hand when someone is in need- well it was my turn and I was definitely in need! One bad move on an 8 foot ladder and down I went- It was broke and there was no way I was going to be able to lift a camera. Two emails and a call later and I had more offers for help than I knew what to do with! Lindsey and Luke got the dream team (me of course)- David Grupa, David Jones and Amy Zelmer- some of the finest photographers in the state of Minnesota. Here is a little sample of the incredible images they created and even one that I did (the ceremony shot!) via a remote trigger.

They have NO IDEA how lucky they were!! LOL!! I had a great time helping you out and working with the three of you! and good job Mike with the remote control!!!
We appreciate all of your hard work. We were lucky and we thank you all very much for being there for us. I cant wait to see some pics!!! You guys (and gal) rock:)
Lindsey and Luke
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