My deepest apologies for my blog absence!! I am going to throw out the lame excuse of being super busy (even though it's not a very good one!). The blog is going to have a bunch of stuff in the next couple of weeks because we have been doing that many sessions.
I just have to say to Amy (featured here) aren't you glad you didn't cancel your session because of weather!!! It was actually me who almost pulled the plug on the session but I am glad that I didn't because the weather turned out great and there was hardly anyone around so we got to have some fun. I hope everyone enjoys the sneak peak.

Yes indeed I did it again- Photographs of deer down at St. Anthony! I was actually telling Amy and Jason about them (and I was pretty sure that they didn't believe me!) when we turned the corner and there one was.
I tried texting you, didn't work so I need to chat on Monday I guess, gonna be there?? Also Tim checks this site EVERYDAY, he needs new input! hint hint
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