This is the work, ideas, and philosophies of our studio "O'Halloran Photography"! Find out whats new, see recent images and get to know us!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Daniel's Senior Portfolio Session
Daniel survived his session!!!! We were on the fire escape, above the nastiest section of river, in the river saving my flash unit, physically jumping over me and of course being photographed the whole time. Here is a little taste of the fun we had at his session- I hope everyone enjoys!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Angela and Matt
This years weather has been incredible almost every Saturday and this one was no exception!! Beautiful, sunny and cool not great for going to the beach but for having a wedding in August you can't ask for more. Here are Matt and Angela- we got to play at the church and in Downtwon St. Paul and had a great time. Someone asked me last week if we do big formal groups because I never show them on the blog..........Of course!!!! There is a big group formal image just for you (and anyone else that was wondering!!). Enjoy the images and thanks for checking out the blog.

Friday, August 21, 2009
Some first's.....
Alright- it is pretty well established that I love my job! I really enjoy photographing people and being a part of some of the best days in their lives. Confession- I love to be part of my own families life as well!! Here is Klara's first fishing trip and a little lesson about trusting intertubes.... That little girl is the apple of my eye and her mom isn't too bad either!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Erik and Lindsay
Here is Lindsay and Erik at their wedding in Spooner WI- So apparently a couple of good things have come out of WI- this Wedding and of course the recently signed Brett Favre (well we know Lindsay and Eric are awesome anyways!). The day was a whirl of fun and scenery and even culminated with a show for a dad (see below!)- one of the main reasons we don't stay too far into the dance!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Stepeh and Kay
Dark ominious clouds, a bit of wind and lots of fun! Congratulations Stephen and Kay- you survived your day and it ended up being pretty cool. despite some bus problems (that I was secretly happy about because it gave me more time with them!) the day went off without a hitch. Here is just a taste of some of the images of the day.

Monday, August 17, 2009
A family affair
Despite the threat of rain, wind gusts of 20+mph and certain members of the family who HATE to be photographed I am pretty sure we had some fun!!!!! Whats not to love about a pyramid of cousins, formals in a tree and of course a little fish eye fun to boot! If you see any of these "suspects" on the street give them a hello because they are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. Thanks for the opportunity to have some fun with you!

Saturday, August 15, 2009
'99 Raiders
It wasn't the Oakland Raiders but the actual class of the '99 Roseville Raiders- which is far cooler anyways! There was a boat, lots of old friends and of course lots of booze (what would a reunion be without it!). Kudos to Katie (and her wonderful staff) for setting up a wonderful event that was a ton of fun!

Friday, August 14, 2009
Klara's Day and Such
Dam she is cute (and my little girl is not so bad herself!)......... Here it is and I am sure everyone has been waiting with baited breath- Images from Klara's B-day! I am sure a good time was had by all and Klara gives a thank you shout out for all the killer loot she got on her special day. The frog you ask- Klara loves all things living and this is her special image since I had to work on her actual b-day when I saw this frog I knew she would love to see it and have it be a part of her b-day blog message/images! Enjoy~

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Rachael's Portfolio Session
Sunday, August 9, 2009
John and Andrea
John and Andrea- from tee to reception- We got to meet John and his crew on the course for the "pre wedding" round and as you can tell they take the game serious! Murphy's Landing was as cool as always and the day itself just flew by for all involved. Thank you John and Andrea for letting us be a part of your special day- enjoy your advance preview!

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